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What to expect from WCAG 2.2

With version 2.2 due for release in early 2023, we’ve looked at what to expect from the new criteria, any changes from version 2.1, 以及我们如何在产品开发过程中走在潮流的前面,开始思考这些问题. 

What is WCAG?

WCAG provides a set of specific criteria, organised according to principles, guidelines and success criteria, 用于衡量和改进网页内容的可访问性. 它为如何使网站和其他数字内容对每个人都可访问和用户友好设定了标准, regardless of their disability or impairment. 

WCAG发布了一份新的改进后的成功标准清单——WCAG 2.2, due in the coming months. These  updates will help improve the following areas: 

  1. The use of a keyboard
  2. Avoiding reliance on dragging movements
  3. Ensuring controls are sufficiently spaced out
  4. Displaying help mechanisms consistently across websites
  5. Letting users authenticate without cognitive tests
  6. Avoid asking for repeated information

Before diving into the details, 值得注意的是,WCAG对其标准进行了一定程度的一致性评分: 

A (Single A)

The minimum level of requirement all websites, apps, and digital content such as documents should follow. 

AA (Double A)

包括所有A和AA要求,是许多企业争取的一致性级别. This is a hard requirement for .GOV services.

AAA (Triple A) 

AAA遵从性是可访问性的最高标准级别,包括所有A, AA and AAA requirements, 是什么提供了一个完全可访问的产品的所有东西,并构成了一个好的体验和一个优秀的体验之间的区别. 通常认为将此作为一般策略不是个好主意,因为有些内容无法达到这种级别的一致性, 但是,在某些成功标准中瞄准这个水平是没有害处的.

What criteria can you expect?

Focus: better experience for keyboard navigation

The requirement level for focus visibility and appearance has become more strict; here’s what to expect: 

  • Focus visible (A):This criteria has been promoted from level AA to A,  要求能够接收键盘焦点的交互元素使焦点可见.This is great, 因为这意味着它将是确保依赖键盘导航的人知道他们在页面上的位置的最低要求.
  • Focus appearance (AA):键盘可见焦点状态需要更清晰,符合AA标准. 这个标准围绕着焦点状态在其未聚焦状态和任何背景元素之间有更多的对比. 
  • Focus not obscured (AA/AAA)我们可能都在网站上看到过粘性元素,比如cookie横幅, sticky navigation/headers. 虽然这是一个有用的用户体验功能,但也会给通过键盘导航的用户带来麻烦. 当元素的焦点状态被用户生成的粘性内容阻塞时,问题就出现了.

这些新的成功标准旨在处理完全阻塞(AA)或部分阻塞(AAA)的焦点状态。. As with the previous two criteria, 这是另一个旨在帮助确保焦点状态总是清晰可见的人依靠他们来浏览页面.

Filling out forms/repeated information

Filling in forms can be a stressful experience for users with accessibility needs; here’s what to expect: 

  • Redundant entry:允许自动填写表格不应妨碍任何验证,并使旅程更顺畅. 这可以很简单,只要在方框里勾选“是”,就可以确保账单和送货地址相同, use it again’.
  • Accessible authentication认知功能测试,如解决谜题和记住密码,是不可访问的. 要获得AA身份,就需要有一种不需要进行认知功能测试就能验证自己身份的方法.


Creating accessible journeys is vital to making websites user-friendly; here’s what to expect: 

  • Consistent help: As a minimum requirement, 用户应该能够在整个过程中快速和一致地找到帮助. 这包括确保支持十大网博靠谱平台在每个页面上都在相同的位置,而不是移动或更改.

Input assistance 

  • Dragging movements: These have to meet AA standards. When navigating maps or price range sliders, there needs to be an alternative single-use option, such as a button, for those with mobility conditions. 
  • Target size:使任何图标和按钮的大小符合最低AA要求,将有助于协调性较差的人. The minimum AA requirement is 24px by 24px.

How do you implement it? 

These new guidelines are expected to take time to implement, 但走在潮流的前面绝对没有坏处. 

However, 早期的这些标准可以在产品的设计和构建过程中考虑, the easier they are to implement. 尽早标记任何必要的更改将有助于更有效地推动可访问性.

Want to learn more? Accessibility needs all of us, 一个很好的参与方式就是不断学习和分享你的知识. Read our beginner’s guide to accessibility 要了解更多十大网博靠谱平台如何开始使用数字可访问性或观看我们的 full breakdown of the upcoming WCAG 2.2 changes.

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